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Astrophysicist, Technologist, Educator
Current Research
The background video is the deployment of the MinXSS-1 Cubeat from the International Space Station. Images courtesy of NASA astronaut Tim Peake.
My Projects: Data Analysis + Instrumentation + Technology Development
I am interested in the near surface solar magnetic field (strength, structure, evolution), the fundamental physical processes that drive the dynamics in the solar atmosphere (energy dissipation, plasma transport, etc.) and how their corresponding signatures manifest themselves in observables like radiation (especially X-rays and ultraviolet radiation).
Solar Soft X-ray Spectra
The solar soft X-ray spectral irradiance variations due to flares has profound impacts on Earth's ionosphere (and other solar system planets and moons). I (and other Team members) have analyzed and compiled both spectrally integrated (GOES XRS, Hinode XRT) and spectrally resolved variations (MinXSS-1, MinXSS-2, SPhinX, NuSTAR, and RHESSI). Solar flares generate plasma in excess of 10 MK,an increase in soft X-ray flux greater than 1,000 times (see Figure to the left from Moore et al. 2018). The 0.5 - 5 keV portion of the solar spectrum has been sparsely measured in the past. Hence the MinXSS CubeSats were designed to fill this observational gap.
Solar Magnetic Variability
Near Surface magnetic fields drives the atmospheric variability of stars. This is very evident in stars around the mass of the Sun and less massive. Extreme ultraviolet (EUV) and X-ray radiation are direct probes of this magnetic activity. I (and Team members) are working to better characterize and uncover how various magnetic properties and cycles create and modulate the coronae of stars. The video (to the right) demonstrates how magnetic actives regions and flares confine the hottest plasma and emit the brightest EUV and X-ray emissions.

New High Speed Detectors​
We are working to develop and utilize sub-second readout speed pixelated detectors for future astronomical (SmallSat Explorer for Exospheres of hot Jupiters; SEEJ) and solar observations (Scotopic Solar Activity X-ray Imager; SSAXI-SmallSat). We launched the latest version on a NASA sounding rocket instrument called the Swift Solar Activity X-ray Imager rocket (SSAXI-Rocket). These new detectors will allow improved dynamics on high energy radiation.
X-Ray Optics
We work with collaborators at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, MIT, and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
to develop X-ray telescopes for future solar physics and astrophysics sounding rocket and satellite payloads. The Swift Solar Activity X-ray Imager rocket (SSAXI-Rocket) payload utilized one of the latest version of our grazing incidence telescopes.

X-ray and EUV Coatings
We work with collaborators at MIT,
NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory to develop X-ray and EUV coatings for various applications. The current emphasis are multilayer coatings for narrowband spectral imaging.
Sounding Rocket Payloads
We work with collaborators at NASA MSFC to fly these technologies on NASA sounding rockets for preparation for future solar physics and astrophysics satellite payloads. The High Resolution Coronal Imager (Hi-C Flare) payload is a recent example of these efforts. The Swift Solar Activity X-ray Imager rocket (SSAXI-Rocket) payload utilized both optics and detectors.
Satellite Payloads
We work with collaborators across the world on instrumentation that is implemented on large, medium and small satellite payloads. Some of the large and medium payloads are under competitive review for award funding. The Miniature X-ray Solar Spectrometer (MinXSS) CubeSats are an example of a small satellite payload.
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